Australian Curriculum

Edekit has developed over 10 year 7 Maths units that support the commencement of the Australian Curriculum in 2014. Other units for year 7 and year 9 are currently being developed and will become progessively available during the second half of 2013.

Click on the button Available Program Units for details of available units.

A Sample Program Unit is also available for review.


Mathematics is a reasoning and creative activity employing abstraction and generalisation to identify, describe and apply patterns and relationships.

It is a significant part of the cultural heritage of many diverse societies. The symbolic nature of mathematics provides a powerful, precise and concise means of communication.

Mathematics incorporates the processes of questioning, reflecting, reasoning and proof. It is

a powerful tool for solving familiar and unfamiliar problems both within and beyond mathematics. As such, it is integral to scientific and technological advances in many fields of endeavour.

In addition to its practical applications, the study of mathematics is a valuable pursuit in its own right, providing opportunities for originality, challenge and leisure.

The study of mathematics provides opportunities for students:

  • to learn to describe and apply patterns and relationships;
  • reason, predict and solve problems;
  • calculate accurately both mentally and in written form;
  • estimate and measure; and
  • interpret and communicate information presented in numerical, geometrical, graphical, statistical and algebraic forms.

* Board of Studies NSW Syllabus Document


Available Program Units

Sample Program Unit

Bulletin Board

Just released Australian Curriculum Programs:

Year 7

Template for Maths Stage 4
Whole Numbers
Decimals, Percentages and Ratio
Linear Equations
Angles and Shapes
Statistics and probability
Transformations and the Number Plane

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