Edekit has developed teaching and learning program units covering all key learning areas of the NSW High School Syllabi from Year 7 to Year 12. These units are collated in the proprietary Edekit database. What this means in practice is that everything in Edekit is based on subject units. This allows the teacher to easily attach, store and retrieve teaching resources for specific units to be taught. Teaching programs are managed through your allocated 'My Units' profile. All programs from the Edekit database as well as programs you have created are listed by KLA and year. Programs can be opened, copied to other years and deleted. Many units already have resources in various forms attached as well as relevant tasks and assessments. Teachers can also:
Teachers can upload their existing programs, resources and assessments to their individiual section of Edekit to create a comprehensive and personalised teaching toolkit
Once subscribed (either individually or through a KLA or School), teachers are allocated their own profile - "My Units" - for management of their subject units. Units are accessed from the database and added to a teacher's "My Units" profile by populating defined search fields.The result of the search is a list of Edekit developed units as well as units that other teachers have agreed to share and approved by Edekit for inclusion in the database. Selected units are added to the teacher's profile and can be modfied to suit individual teaching styles while maintaining compliance with NESA requirements. Edekit In Action
Watch a demonstration of Edekit's features