Excessive teacher workload...

... is endemic and the consequences are debilitating for the profession and quality education. Teachers nationally are being called upon more and more to comply with system developed outcomes, requirements and expectations, whether this be government or employment authorities or as a result of community and political expectations of current education practice. The resulting work intensification has negatively impacted on available teacher time, damaging teacher morale and potentially diminishing the quality of the teaching and learning environment.

NSWIEU research, surveys and workshops...

... have identified teacher workload as the single most important issue for teachers and this is directly impacted upon by these systemic requirements. For example, complex and changing syllabus and assessment/reporting requirements have significantly added to preparation time and paper work. In NSW, NESA requirements demand an intricate system of linking learning outcomes with the syllabus and a range of skills involved in planning ‘scope and sequence’, creating units of work, lesson plans, assessment tasks, rubrics for marking, and more. Over the past ten years the workloads of teachers have significantly increased due to a number of factors.

Factors affecting workload
  • the need for continual record keeping, data collection and testing
  • increasing complexity and detail required in teachers' planning and work programs
  • increased regulation and accountability to system and government authorities
  • rapid curriculum changes with little consultation with the teaching fraternity
Other issues generating further workload demands are:
  • individualised learning programs and catering for special needs students,
  • new teacher accreditation processes,
  • the National Partnership Program including the provision of computers for every student in years 9-12, and implementation of a national curriculum.

Edekit directly addresses workload issues relating to curriculum delivery

The Edekit curriculum delivery platform is designed to organise syllabus, resources and assessment for both the individual teacher and the whole of school. Essentially the platform saves time for teachers and teacher supervisors and to ensure individual and school compliance and accountability at all times, directly addressing many of the issues identified above.

Why Edekit Presentation

Lets Transform Teaching!


All planning elements are together in one location providing for consistency and long-term maintenance of teaching and learning documents:

  • 24/7 accessibility. Edekit lives and works on the internet
  • A ‘scope and sequence’ generator
  • Prepared program units are provided and can be customized to suit individual teachers preferred teaching method,
  • System requirements are immediately available e.g. outcomes, assessment guidelines, ‘learn to’s’, ‘learn about’s’
  • Previous planning documents can be imported – no need to reinvent the wheel’
  • Teacher planning can be shared - within schools and between schools
  • Library and other resources relevant to current units can be imported
  • Facilitation of teaching and learning program diversification
  • Incorporation of IEPs for additional needs students by specialist teachers
  • A resource and assessment bank that grows organically as teachers share relevant material
  • Capability for school policy documents to be connected to program documents e.g. literacy and numeracy
  • Assessment is linked to planning - criteria for planning assist in determining criteria for assessment


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